Friday, January 23, 2009

I love my nephews.

I was sitting here checking my email when my youngest nephew, Tyler, (he's four and a half) walked in.
Tyler: "Hey Aunt Lace, guess what I had for breakfast?"
Me: "What, Ty?"
Tyler: "A bowl of nails."
Me: "Oh, really? What did that taste like?"
Tyler: "Nails. Sharp nails rumbling in your mouth."

He just told me he made a good Christmas tree out of wood. I'm scared to go look.

He came upstairs to wake me up today and told me I had ten seconds to get to McDonald's.

Also, he's been walking around singing "We Will Rock You" by Queen. And pushing Ireland (my baby cousin, almost 5 months) around in her stroller. She's getting spoiled.

He's pretty much the coolest four year old ever.

And poor Jake (he's almost 8!) is really sick, so he's at home. That's why Ty is here, he doesn't have preschool today and shouldn't be around Jake so much. Jake has strep throat. Yesterday he said he had a sore throat, stomach ache, head ache, and a fever. Yikes.

Well my dad is finally back with lunch so I'm gonna go eat. I'm howngry. No, not hungry, howngry.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that Jake is almost 8! That's crazy!

    I love the stuff that Ty says and does. You aren't the only one with a funny four year old nephew though! :)
